Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Pearl by David Sarfaty

It was always a comfort to be around Pearl
She was a cool breeze in summer and a warm wind in winter
Pearl was a running tap, a cool and refreshing drink when you needed it
Did you ever see Pearl in the company of children?
They would dance around her as if she were a Maypole
Pearl’s smile was sunny, benignant and wise
I remember the time we were sitting on a bench on the board walk
A hundred gulls, wings down, were all facing the sunlight
I wondered why one of them was looking at us; I thought, it must be Pearl
Her face bathed in a sunny, saintly aura, Pearl was smiling back.
People birds, animalitos, they all took to Pearl – a Jewish St. Francis?

I will be missing Pearl, her sunshine, her warmth and her wisdom
Pearl is gone, but not really
Pearl, a beautiful woman.